Thursday, July 12, 2012

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
"7.5/10 I love you but I hope you will have a remake to fix some stuff"

*rubs eyes* I am so sleepy =w=... But still awake to talk about a game which I have come to like, mainly because of just the storyline and also I am a complete nerd of the World of Darkness

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is a game made in 2004 for the PC based on books known as World of Darkness. In WoD, there are stories/live action roleplay/roleplay/I-don't-know-what-else-to-call-it that braches out to mages, werewolfs, hunters, vampires, ghosts etc etc. This game(obviously) is based on the Vampire's background.

In Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, the opening cutscene starts as you, a human, getting into bed with vampire of an opposite gender. The vampire is all like "Let me show you something~" and you're like "*le gasp!* Nuuuuuu~!!! *screaming*". Anyways, you wake up to find that you have turned into a Vampire. Some vampires ambush you and your Sire, and put into trial. The Prince of LA and the Camarilla, Sebastian LeCroix, says that your Sire has violated a rule of siring a Childe without permission and is executed. When it was about to be your turn to die, Nines from the Anarchs stood up for you and the Prince decided to spare you, and in exchange you will do biddings for him. You're now a fledgling, going around helping your Elders and through your travels you'll meet other vampires, ghost, werewolfs and ZOMBIES!
 "Jeanette Voerman and Velvet Velour. This game is intentionally made to be more for guys.
Side Note: Jeanette has the exact same voice as Azula from Avatar the Last Airbender. Both my favourite characters because of their voice XD Grey DeLisle!"

The first thing you do in the game is to create your character. There isn't much of a customization, rather, you just choose your clan, gender and if you want, history. There are a total of seven clans and I will explain them as short as possible. Ventrue, the high-class and forceful. Tremere, the blood magicians. Nosferatu, the ugly and deformed. Gangrel, the animalistic. Brujah, the fighters. Malkavian, the mentally unstable. Toreador, the beautiful and charming. Each clan has 3 special Discipline(powers). Some would be unique only to them. I play Toreadors the most since dialouge in this game is an important aspect throughout the game. Plus, their logo is pretty 8D 
"This is the character sheet. You add your stats here. It's too much so I won't explain it."

VtM:B has a interesting game concept, mainly because it is very different from most RPG games, which I highly respect. This is because the term roleplaying, means you take on a character, go on a quest or adventure, interact in people and make decisions and in turn, rewards you with something if you did it correctly. Add those element to a game, and you get VtM:B. You never have to grind mobs to earn experience and there is no leveling system. There is not much of an enemy mobs for you to grind on anyways. Each clan has it's own pros and cons. The Nosferatu and Malkavian would complete sneak quest easily because of Obfuscate. The Toreador and Ventrue would find dialouge options easier due to Toreador's seduction and Ventrue's Dominate. The Brujah, Gangrel and Tremere would find combat easier. 

How you earn experience is based on how you complete a quest. Would you barge in and just kill everyone? Or would you sneak in through a broken window and leave everyone alive? Also, how you interact with people affects the quest too. If you decide to be nice to Jeanette and not to Therese(her sister), you will fail Therese's quest and vice versa. If you're nice to the Prince, you will get a new house, or just have him hate you and trust me, making him hate you feels AWESOME! He's a douche.

The more I talk about the game concept the more it reminds me of Skyrim except for the bottom part of the review o.e... But I like Skyrim too. It's a good game. DAWNGUARD!! 
"Gameplay can be in first or third person, but it's easier in third person for melee, and first for ranged. And it's kinda bloody." 

Although the storyline and the concept is interesting, for a 2004 game, this has a lot of bugs. It is possible for you to complete your objective and find the doors unable to open. Save your games constantly. Up till now, there are a very very small group of people still doing mods and patches for the game but it isn't enough to fix all of them bugs. Also like I said, it's made in 2004 and I am pretty sure there were much smoother graphics.

With that said, the people who had looked past all these flaws and played the game all wished there was a remake or a sequel, because honestly, the flaws aren't enough to keep you away from this game. It's still fun and intriguing. The environment and the characters have their own personality. There are just enough of side quests to make this worth while, not to mention the rewards are awesome too. I mean Skyrim had loads more side quest to the point where you can never finish them all, that to me is a bit too much.

My final words are, try to play this with an open mind, save constantly and just endure the bugs awhile and play it. It's hard to say type of gamer this game suits as it's very different from a usual game. If you're willing to try(if I am not wrong, I am too lazy and sleepy to check), it can be bought on STEAM for I don't know how much, but it shouldn't be too expensive.


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