Monday, July 9, 2012


Hello there! My name is Luann, occasionally known as Rai/RaiRai and many other nicknames, but for now we shall just stick with Rai. Anyways, this blog is focused on game reviews since I have been gaming since I was 7. I wouldn't do a lot on PC games since I don't really play on my computer a lot until I was about 14, but even then I loved my PS2 more.  

First of all, would I be focusing on the newest, latest, games that is circling all around the internet? No! Of course not! *Causethatwouldbetoomainstream8D*. I would be doing reviews on games that I grew up with and I personally think that are awesome and worth mentioning that you might not have even heard of on the PS1 or the PS2. So, games like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts and other famous games like that most probably won't be in the review. Some of you guys must be wondering then "Dude D< My PS1 and PS2 are long gone already, I can't get those games!". Well my friend, Playstation Network on your PS3 >> Playstation Classic. Booyah.


Second point is that the only time popular games will appear is if I suddenly feel like doing a PS3 review like Assassin's Creed and Saint's Row, thus the title, Archeo(meaning old) Neo(meaning new). These reviews are all based on my honest opinion why I love/hate these games so be nice to me '^'

All pictures do not belong to me since I suck with making my own v.v

If you liked the reviews here please visit Ivan's Movie Review blog, and Jin's Food Review blog for more reviews. Goodbye!

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